Saturday, January 3, 2009

The history of my music

Hi people,
I've always believed that the kind of music we love depicts a lot of our inside. Well, it was more obvious than revealing. Never mind, what I want to say is I’d like to introduce to you the history of the music that changed my life and, to some extend, shaped the person I am now.

It’s all begun with a hard beat…

Believe or not, but I started listening to music at the age of 15. Before that, I had no favorite bands or singers and, to be honest, I had no idea of music at all. As I said before, I started at the age of 15 and the only kind of music I accepted at time was heavy metal. My favorite band was Iron Maiden with Bruce Dickinson. (By the way, not many of us know that Bruce is a first tenor. )

After the long period of listening to heavy metal, which equaled more or less 4 years, I ''dressed down'' (changed my black clothes), and turned to totally different direction. I ceased to be gloomy and sullen for 24h and launched my idea of new perception of the world. I cheered up, chilled out and found my way of living, at least for some time. That’s how I morphed into a hippie. Check out this soft and comforting sound:

Well, as some of the readers can see in the class, I'm not a hippie anymore. I grew up and began to perceive the world in a different dimention. I refused limitation and ignorance towards all the parts of my inside. Finally, I understood that the phase of denial doesn't contribute to anything constructive and creative. I decided to absorb the music. I figured that the kind itself is no longer the point for me, what really counts is if I like it, if it carries me away and evokes emotions. That's the reason I listen to various kinds of music I didn't even know before. When I'm asked what music I like, I have no idea what to say, what to start with. You can figure out what I mean by having a glimpse on the videos below.

Freddie was a fascinating figure and his voice makes my heart explode.

Blues is like a being which can live on its own. Ray Charles was definitely an important figure in the later blues.

There is also something about Sting.

When I heard Rysiek Riedel for the first time all I wanted to do was to sing.

There was a young guy, a real hot shot. Ritchie Valens.

There are many others who inspired me but it is impossible to write about them all. I'm not a musician and I'll never be one but music is what has an enormous impact on me and my feelings.

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I've been there too.